We are located at the Molecular Foundry, building 67, at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
The Laboratory provides shuttle bus services to come uphill (weekdays only, from 7 am – 7pm).
Lab affiliates can submit site access requests for Uber/Lyft and food delivery.
Resources for preparing to work at the Foundry.
Inorganic Facility training manuals for instruments can be found here.
Shipping samples/chemicals:
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Molecular Foundry
[put name here i.e. someone from our group]
1 Cyclotron Road Mailstop 4203
Berkeley, CA 94720
List of trainings required to work on site at the Molecular Foundry, 90% of the trainings can be done before arrival and without an LBNL#. If you have your LBNL# please log into our Work Planning and Control (WPC) system to complete trainings:
EHS0170 Cryogen Safety (online)
EHS0344 Safe Handling of Engineered Nanoscale Particulate Matter (online)
EHS0348 Chemical Hygiene and Safety (online)
MFD0010 ISM Principles and Case Studies (zoom; please schedule via this link)
EHS0520 Fire Extinguisher Safety – Part 1 (online)
EHS0604 Hazardous Waste Generator Training (online)
MFD – MFD0015 Individual Hazardous Waste Briefing (Molecular Foundry) (in person; during the first few days working on site)
EHS0260 General Electrical Safety (online)
MFD0012 Molecular Foundry New User Orientation (please schedule via email by following instructions linked here)
MFD0040 MFD 4th Floor Safety Tour (online)
EHS0171 Pressure Safety (online)
EHS0302 Laser Safety Training (online)
EHS0394 Managing Time-Sensitive Chemicals (online)
Scheduling a Foundry instrument via the Instrument Reservation Calendar.
For joint ALS/Foundry users
One solution for the analysis of in situ diffraction data is via XRDsol. Follow the steps below:
1. Create a slack account if you don’t have one.
2. Contact Tim (TimKodalle@lbl.gov) to get added to the ntamura Slack workspace.
3. XRDSol + manuals are here: https://ntamuraworkspace.slack.com/archives/C055NUVDUKX/p1690994533132399.
4. Get Python running on your computer.
5 . Python MMA Script to combine GIWAXS, PL and logged parameters is here: https://github.com/sutterfellalab/MultiModalAnalysis.
Training more complex, please reach out & discuss
ALS specific trainings (do not do without an LBNL#):
EHS 0470 General Employee Radiological Training
SEC 0203 Notice of External Monitoring
LBL 0012 Working Safely at LBNL during the COVID-19
ALShub landing page needs to be all green with requested arrival date, example below